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Jayne Baker Original Artwork



Regular price £36.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £36.00 GBP
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In American Red Indian symbolism, as a totem animal, the Owl is said to represent The Messenger. A few years back, I was travelling home from work through Lacock, Wiltshire, and an owl swooped in front of my car and landed on a footpath sign at the side of the road. It was a magnificent sight! When I reached home there was a letter on the doorstep and inside was a card from my dad. On the front of the card was a photograph of an owl on a signpost (not used to produce this painting). A strange coincidence or a message???!

Framed original:  Acrylic on canvas.  355mm x 915mm (unframed size) SOLD

Prints available: 257mm x 650mm (un-mounted) 

Also available in Greetings Cards.



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